The CloudEvents blog

Updates, announcements, and more

CloudEvents SQL Reached V1!

Calum Murray

July 15, 2024

Announcing CloudEvents SQL V1.0 It’s my pleasure to announce that the CloudEvents community has released version 1.0 of the CloudEvents SQL (CESQL) specification, along with implementations into SDKs for both Golang and Java. This is a result of 3 years of work in the CloudEvents community, and builds on top of the already released CloudEvents v1.0 specification, making it easier for developers to generate and manage events flowing through their infrastructure.

CloudEvents has Graduated!

Doug Davis

January 25, 2024

Today the CloudEvents project is proud to announce that the CNCF has approved CloudEvents as a Graduated project! Thank you to everyone who helped with the project's development over the years. Between the specs and SDKs, we couldn't have done it with all of your help!